Carmi Gordon

Welcome to my life. It's been a fairly gurgle gurgle kind of existence so far, but who knows. Watch this space.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dearest Coz

Some of these are a little old.
They go back to Talya's naming ceremony in Bath, the city, not in the bath, which would be silly.
And then a lovely garden party where Talya completely stole all the limelight from yours truly. That probably explains why I'm diving to get out of the way in that otherwise lovely photo of all the parents and the always gorgeous Talya.
Girls, huh.
But they are sweet photos and I really like my coz, even though she's still a little little.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ella Bella Bo

So Ella's parents are Zohar and Sasha.

Good friends of my mum and dad.

We thought that a communal bath would be a good idea.

No-one told me that you don't get to share baths with attractive ladies for a good long time, in your life. But I figured. The going is good for now. So go for it.

That's kinda why I moved in for the snog. Hey, we even got to go to cot together, but then our parents decided that seperate sleeping is still de riguer for little people. I ask you, how uncool is that.

Oh I'm forever blowing bubbles.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Friends are good

So this is me and my friend Ruby.

She's cool.
She's not that short, it's just an odd angle, but we do often, very often, have this much fun. So much fun infact that my tongue is in danger of falling off.