Carmi Gordon

Welcome to my life. It's been a fairly gurgle gurgle kind of existence so far, but who knows. Watch this space.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I like to smile

So this is me at nine weeks. Nine weeks! Sounds like a lifetime. Who thougt one little person with so few grown-up skills could so change the lives of so many people around me, particularly my mum and dad. I mean here I am just hanging around, drinking, smiling and ... well, that's pretty well it, and they? Well my parents are staggering around like someone put fifteen years on them overnight. Good job they love me.


The world is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. This whole outside world thing is so much fun. So much to do, so many people to flirt with, so much to learn. Love it!

In training

You are not supposed to be able to do this yet. I'm still only little, but I'm standing, kinda. I get this slightly surprised look, and then it all gets a little floppy. But I keep bouncing up. This standing up thing looks fun. Mum and Dad better get those glasses way out of my ever expanding reach.

here's one we prepared earlier...

Dad made an entry that he couldn't remove so Mum thought that she'd slip in and stick a picture of me in her tummy on the blog - how sly. The picture was taken the day before i was due - I kept her waiting for awhile, so the tummy got even bigger.

Ma Da' has a Texan draaaawwwwl

So this is papa, on way to rehersal. He's been in a wonderful play - Inherit the Wind, he even got a haircut to play the role of Matthew Harrison Brady, a Texan one-time presidential candidate.
I look very comfortable, having a cuddle. I've even had papa do the babysitting. It's great to have such a wonderful mishpocha.

In each and every generation

This is my great gran. Sharing some wise words with me. Actually, what is really going on is that I am sharing some wisdom with her. She listens well, does my great-gran.

Six weeks

And completely unrecognisably different, wiser, gummier and far more wide awake. I'll follow you with my eyes, given up on that new-born grip your finger thing.
Growing up day by day.

Me and the most wonderful mummy ever

Did I mention that I love my mummy?
Look at that smile, enough to set a million ships a-sailing.
And I'm not even talking about my own oh-so-cute gummy grin.