Carmi Gordon

Welcome to my life. It's been a fairly gurgle gurgle kind of existence so far, but who knows. Watch this space.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Regular Ladies Man

So this is me and Anna - OK, Anna and I, gosh this grammar stuff is tough - we went out on a date, sorry, we went out to play yesterday.
And had a lovley time.
She's an older lady of course, a whole couple of months older. Mum and Dad met her parents, Lori & Athol, at the NCT classes. Mind you, I not so sure that they can be relied on. They even missed the last class in the series. OK, so Lori was in labour at the time, but what kind of excuse is that!

We really like them, they even send us great photos of me with their beautiful daughter - of their beautiful daughter and I. Ach! This grammar thing. Look, at least I can spell beautiful, that's tricky that is.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dear Reader,

Do you think you might tire of all these photos of me looking cute and smiley? Do you think I am always this sunny. Fear not, I have a lusty pair of lungs and I know how to use them, "Give ME MILK NOW!!!!!"

Actually, that isn't the worst of it. More tricky than the hunger cries are the, "I don't know what I WANT BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!!!"
Now that's tricky.

Also there is the famous, or should I say infamous, speed with which I can make the transition from, 'I am having such a great time, giggle, giggle, giggle' to 'I am completely and utterly over tired and I WANT TO HAVE EVERYTHING STOP NOW!!!!'

Oddly the 'I'm overtired' cry can't be solved by taking nap. It's too late by then.
All of which makes these photos of me grinning my head off special, precious and definately NOT just another photo of a grinning Carmi.

Start as you mean to go on

This whole reading thing is fun. OK, it's not that serious a book - I would rather chew it than chew over its contents - but it's still a book. That makes me a bookish sort. Oh and that's the cow, and cow's go 'Moooo.'